Poetry:Slay Queen

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Slay Queen
Slay queen made up her mind to become a slayer but she was slayed.
She is beautiful and wished to belong.

She followed the trend,but in her mind she is gone.
Best makeup just to get likes and Pm on her inbox,but end up being slayed by a big boy on messenger's chit chat.

She got nothing but one night stand,seat on the passengers side that's what she sold her. dignity for.
She updated her status like having fun,pictures on flickers,twitter and snapchat she has it all.
She is a slayer,that's her beauty she talks about,oh no she falls victims to those who has no swords,with just a word of love she was slayed again.

Her heart and mind crippled with depression,
She cried at Night and smiles at done,but her invisible burden lingers on.

She still wished for the best,her progress buried by her choice,in her palm was the the answer to her test,but she never stops failing because she feels too good for what she has.

Her sins becomes a norm,her words tied between her tongues,the mind is crushed,
She is a slay queen,killer queen,blinded by her own face on the mirror,Now she is slayed for life.
By Oboh Ernest Osazee aka osazing

Poetry:Slay Queen Poetry:Slay Queen Reviewed by ozing on July 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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