8 African Celebrities Who Showed Off Their New Cars 2018

It’s 2018 and celebrities are always racking in their assets in big and small ways. One of the things like to spend on is their rides. Celebrities have shown they buy cars not to have mobility but also to separate themselves.

Cars have a way of elevating or confirming your status, whether in your garage or on the road. So the nicer and sleek they are the better.
That is why the need to keep acquiring  cars is a hobby for celebrities

These are 8 celebrities with new rides in 2018.

1. Phyno
A post shared by phynofino (@phynofino) on
2. Davido
3. Laura Ikeji
A post shared by Laura Ikeji Kanu (@lauraikeji) on
4. Lizzy Anjorin
That moment when your Sugar Daddy keeps surprising you with things that is bigger than you😱... He keeps spoiling me as if I have no rival😜, He loves me tori torun... When I am afraid of doing it big(because I know I'm a small girl) He loves giving it to me in a bigger form<left and right, front and back> and that is why I will never hold back to give it to Him in a grand style; trust me, I will raise my hand, bend down, kneel down and sit on it very well(I mean sitting on my praying mat and do my Salat very well🤪) so, may God give me grace to do it regularly, bcos the Man in charge of changing my shame to glory doesn't take codeine at all... Maami, I hope you are smiling right now?? rest on iron mother... I can see that you don't go clubbing in heaven, ose maami, oya chop kiss 💋💋for not drinking reflon in the grave.. barely 65days that I did your remembrance, mo ti n ri ise owo yin maami.. I have to thank my Sugar Daddy once again, obviously for the health, for the talent, for blessing and upgrading me from " RANGE ROVER EVOQUE to latest "RANGE ROVER AUTOBIOGRAPHY" because without Him I can never achieve this.‎.. Oya let's expose our sugar daddy's name jooooor.. Mine is "HIGHEST CHIEF ASEGAN DOGO" what's yours?? #weldonema #weldoneSugarDaddy #weldonefams‎ #Eganmidogo #SmallGirlWithBigBrainWithBiggestGod #FearlessDove #StreetChildWithPoshGod #WhiteDragon #LadyofSubstance #ZeroToHero #MyMotherLiveth #MySugarDaddyRocks #Yenukunmen
A post shared by lizzyanjorin (@lizzyanjorin) on
5. Bolanle Ninalowo
6. Wofai Fada

7. King Wasiu Ayinde Marshal

8 Jackie Appiah
8 African Celebrities Who Showed Off Their New Cars 2018 8 African Celebrities Who Showed Off Their New Cars 2018 Reviewed by ozing on March 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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